Monday, April 2, 2012

Draft #2 4/2/12

     Laws are important. The first reason why laws are important is because to protect the world. The second reason is that laws keep you from doing something bad. The third reason is that laws are rules by the government and president.

     Laws protect the world because if laws weren't made then the world would be chaos. That's why if you break a law you get a consequence. One time I saw someone giving a TV for free and the person got fired before it would go chaos. Now that was a first reason why laws are important.

     Laws keep you from doing bad things like robbing a bank and lock picking doors. You could go to jail cause it was a law that you can't break. One time I saw a man rob a bank and he went to jail for doing that. Now that was a second reason why laws are important.

     Laws are made by the government and the president. Issac Newton was the one who invented laws. Laws are rules and a law from the government or the president could make a new law like right now. One time the president of the United States of America made a law that you have to use the light bulbs the president choose. Now that is a third reason why laws are important.

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