Monday, April 15, 2013

4/15/13 Writing

     If I was in charge of field day at a school I'd start Tug-O-War, Food Fights, and Capture the Flag.
     Tug-O-War is one of my favorite games when I was at field day so I would diffidently make it a event at field day. You need to be strong/tough to help your team win. Tug-O-War requires a big rope and 2 teams. Tug-O-War is where 1 team goes to one end of a rope and where the other team goes to the other end of the rope, whichever team pulls the rope the hardest and the other team let go's of the rope then that team wins.

     Food Fights is very fun to do during field day but wouldn't happen at any schools that I know of except the school I'm running field day for. Food Fights are about that you have food and you throw it at people, there is no teams so it's a Free-For-All which means no teams. Food Fights are just for fun and there is no score.

     Capture the Flag is a really fun game that I've liked and played. Capture the Flag has teams in it, it has 2 teams. Capture the Flag is where each team has a flag and a base. You have to guard a Flag on your team so it the other team can't take it. If someone that is not on your team and has your team's flag then you have to get that person who has your flag you have to tackle him/her.

     That is what I'd event if I was in charge of field day.

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