Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Draft #1

Thanksgiving is coming up which I’m excited about. Now 1 reason I’m excited about thanksgiving is that I’m staying at Florida where I live. Also, I’m going to spend some time with my family. I also get no school and then I could relax and sleep late.
   I can’t wait until I get to spend some time with my family. When I spend time with my family on thanksgiving I might go eat out to some restaurants or stay at home and eat some stuff. I also might go do some fun stuff like shopping or other things that I might want to do with my family. I’ve done lots of fun stuff on thanksgiving but I don’t need to just do fun stuff everyday when schools out for thanksgiving. The more of no school the more time I could spend time with my family.
    I also can’t to relax on thanksgiving break. I like to sleep late since there’s no school because when I wake up to school I’m kinda tired. I’m also going to play my PC and PS3 when I have time but I’m not just going to play my PC and PS3 all day. I will play minecraft on my PC with my friends from school. I will watch TV some. I might go and play outside when its a great sunny day. The more of no school I can relax.

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