Thursday, September 27, 2012

Big Writing #1 9/27/12 Why friends are important.

                                        How friends are important.

     Why are friends important? Friends are important for many reasons. You can be friends with anyone. You can't do bad stuff to your friends. If you didn't have friends you wouldn't have any company or any fun, you'd be sad and very lonely if nobody had friends. Friends are a good experience of communication and learning to know each other.
     You can still be friends if he/she has/can't autism, unable to speak, is blind, or is deaf. You don't have to be friends with everyone but you still need a decent amount of friends.

     It's important that you don't bully, be mean, insult, offend, hurt, lie, and ditch your friends. About ditching it doesn't mater if you play hide n' seek or if he/she allow you to ditch he/she, I mean like if you want to ditch them since you don't want to see them. Bullying, being mean, insulting, offending, hurting, lying, and ditching your friends will affect your friend, then he/she will want to not be your friend Any more.

    Having friends is a lot of fun because they do good stuff for you and that all kinds of stuff. Being lonely is very uncomfortable and not very fun to have that feeling, friends are very good at making you not bored and making you happy.

     Friends are good with communication because you can learn about each other, how they are doing, being nice, very interactive, and very social.

     That is how friend's are very important. I hope you learned a lot about how friend's are very important. Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16/12 Big Writing

     One time, there was a minecraft person named Steve15532. Steve15532 was a good guy that was nice and when he went to a minecraft food store a guy who was a big thief that is named Griefer10033 that burnt down Steve15532's house and Griefer10033 stole Steve15532's items in his chest. Griefer10033 ran as fast as he can before Steve15532 drove home.

     Steve15532 is back now at his house and now he is super mad that someone burnt down and stole items from his house. Steve15532 is now wondering who did it. Steve15532 is now knocking all of his neighbors doors and he asked "Who burnt down my house?" One neighbor said it was a guy that had the name Griefer.

     The minecraft national news is on and it showed the whole thing what Griefer10033 did to Steve15532's house. Steve15532 called the police and asked about what happened to his house. The police came to Steve15532's house.

     The police is now investigating the crime scene of the mystery of the big grief. The police said that it was Griefer10033 and he also said that there was a voice recorder saying "Hi I'm Griefer10033 and I burnt down the house."

     Griefer10033 had to go to the Minecraft Courthouse. Police said "Steve15532 told me that someone burnt down his house and also stole the items in a large chest and there was a voice recorder saying that it was Griefer10033. The police said "Answer the following questions!' The police turned on the lie detector.

     The police asked "Did you burn down Steve15532's house?" Griefer10033 said Yes. Did you steal stuff from his chest? Police asked. Griefer10033 said Yes! The police asked "Did you leave a voice recorder at his house?" Griefer10033 said YES! It's all true! Griefer10033 cried out.

     The Judge made two options for Griefer10033's consequence. The choices are Minecraft Jail for 1 year or go to boot camp for a year. Griefer10033 only had like 20 seconds to pick the choice or the judge had to pick for him. Griefer10033 said that just take me to jail! Steve15532 got his money back from the house he bought so he moved in to a new house.

                                                         The End


Monday, April 9, 2012

Draft #2 4/9/12

    I want to go to the Washington DC trip for 3 reasons. First reason is that I want to meet the president. The Second reason is that I want to see what Washington DC looks like. The third reason is that I want to see the museum of history.

     I want to meet the president of the United States of America because I want to know the president and know each other. I want to meet the president of the United States of America because I want to ask him how he likes being president and how it is. One time, some of my friends and family members have met the president of USA. As you can tell that is why I want to meet the president of USA.

     I want to see what Washington DC looks like because I have never been to Washington DC and for me it is interesting to go to places I have never seen before. I want to see that Washington DC looks like because I want to tell my friends and my family how good it looks. I see people go to Washington DC and some people live in Washington DC. As you can tell that is why I want to see Washington DC.

     I want to see the museum of history at Washington DC because I have seen images of it from the internet and it looks every interesting to me about history about the B.C and before 2000. I want to see the museum of history because there is interesting things like a statue of a dinosaur and the bones of the dinosaur and also facts about some animals. Some people go to the museum of history a lot. As you can tell that is why I want to go to the museum of history.

4/9/12 Draft #1

     I want to go to the Washington DC trip for 3 reasons. First reason is that I want to meet the president. The Second reason is that I want to see what Washington DC looks like. The third reason is that I want to see the museum of history.

     I want to meet the president of the United States of America because I want to know the president and know each other. I want to meet the president of the United States of America because I want to ask him how he likes being president and how it is. One time, some of my friends and family members have met the president of USA. That is the first reason of why I want to go to Washington DC.

     I want to see what Washington DC looks like because I have never been to Washington DC and for me it is interesting to go to places I have never seen before. I want to see that Washington DC looks like because I want to tell my friends and my family how good it looks. I see people go to Washington DC and some people live in Washington DC. That is the second reason why I want to go to Washington DC.

     I want to see the museum of history at Washington DC because I have seen images of it from the internet and it looks every interesting to me about history about the B.C and before 2000. I want to see the museum of history because I heard it was really fun to go even though it is peoples opinions. That is the third reason why I want to go to Washington DC. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Draft #2 4/2/12

     Laws are important. The first reason why laws are important is because to protect the world. The second reason is that laws keep you from doing something bad. The third reason is that laws are rules by the government and president.

     Laws protect the world because if laws weren't made then the world would be chaos. That's why if you break a law you get a consequence. One time I saw someone giving a TV for free and the person got fired before it would go chaos. Now that was a first reason why laws are important.

     Laws keep you from doing bad things like robbing a bank and lock picking doors. You could go to jail cause it was a law that you can't break. One time I saw a man rob a bank and he went to jail for doing that. Now that was a second reason why laws are important.

     Laws are made by the government and the president. Issac Newton was the one who invented laws. Laws are rules and a law from the government or the president could make a new law like right now. One time the president of the United States of America made a law that you have to use the light bulbs the president choose. Now that is a third reason why laws are important.

Big writing #1 4/2/12

     Laws are important. The first reason why laws are important is because to protect the world. The second reason is that laws keep you from doing something bad. The third reason is that laws are rules by the government and president.

     Laws protect the world because if laws weren't made then the world would be chaos and that's why if you break a law you get a consequence.

     Laws keep you from doing bad things like robbing a bank and lock picking doors and you could go to jail cause it was a law that you can't break.

     Laws are made by the government and the president. Issac Newton was the one who invented laws. Laws are rules and a law from the government or the president could make a new law like right now.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Big Writing Story

                                                   The man who loves sports.

     Once upon a time, there was a man who was very strong and he was very good at sports. He played every sport that is out there. He was the best at football. He helped his team win every single game on every sport. He would never get injured. When he woke up he packed up his stuff and then he went on a airplane to go to the super bowl. His team is the Runners.

The super bowl #31
      There is the super bowl #31. Runners VS Pirates. It was tough. He ran as fast as he could and the Pirates chased him but they're a inch away from him. Runners scored a touchdown even though that the Pirates almost got him tackled. At the end of the game the Runners got 73 points and the Pirates got 27 points.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Draft #2 3/1/12

My favorite hobby is video games.

     I like video games cause they're fun and I have interest in video games. There are video games on a computer and a Playstation 3 that I like. There are video games like Minecraft and Driver: San Francisco.

     Some video games are not on the Playstation 3 and some video games are not on the computer. Minecraft is not on the Playstation 3. inFAMOUS is not on the computer.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Draft #1 2/27/12

My favorite hobby is video games.

I like video games cause they're fun and I have interest in video games. There are video games on a computer and a Playstation 3 that I like. There are video games like Minecraft and Driver: San Francisco.

Some video games are not on the Playstation 3 and some video games are not on the computer. Minecraft is not on the Playstation 3. inFAMOUS is not on the computer.

Monday, February 6, 2012

India Writing

     Wildlife animals at India are monkeys,pythons,tigers,cobras,and leopard geckos. There are animals that are at India that are also in the United States of America. Like tigers,monkeys,and leopard geckos.

     Food at India are deserts like ice on a stick. India has spices used as food to. India food is also at the United States of America. That type of food is made in India.  Ice on a stick could be a desert in the United States of America also.

     India is a country and its not close to the United States of America. It is kinda far away from the United States of America. Now here is a picture of India and where its located. It is near China.



Monday, January 23, 2012

Draft #2

     India is an interesting place to visit. One reason is because to learn about what people do there. Another reason to visit would be to see the amazing sites. Finally, it would be neat to visit because it would be neat to see what the houses look like.

    I would like to learn what people do there because they might do stuff at India that people don't do in the United States of America. I don't know what people do at India so I have to learn about.

    It would also be neat to see some amazing sites because at India people build places that look different and they don't have any related like any of those buildings at the United States of America.

    While I am there, I would definitely want to see the houses because people build houses that I've never seen before or seen any related to the houses at India.

  Now every reason has a thing different about India and the United States.

How India is a interesting to visit?

     India is a interesting place to visit because I haven't been to India yet and I want to learn about India. India is a country. India is kinda poor. India is different than the United States and I'm different than some people who live in India.
     India is a great place to visit but they have a different language than you. Language at India is Italian. India is not a scary place to visit just because its different.

     India will take a long time to get there by car but by airplane its quicker. India is not a close country to the United States of America.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Draft #2 3 bridges

                                     Millau Bridge 

     The Millau Bridge is amazing. It is super tall. It is high and the train track is miles below it. It's near the clouds since you can see it like right next to you. I bet it will stay there forever. As you can see it is good.


Tower Bridge

 The Tower Bridge is amazing. When you drive into that big hole it will feel like your inside a tower. The twin towers have a bridge connected to each tower. It will stay there forever. As you can see it is good.

                                                              Oliveira Bridge

The Oliveira Bridge is awesome. This bridge has so much connectors and it has a big X. It will glow at night. It will stay there forever. As you can see it is huge.

     Bridges are cool. Oliveria has a big X. The tower  bridge has the twin towers. The Milliau Bridge is high in the sky. I hope you enjoyed learning.

3 Bridges

                                     Millau Bridge 

The Millau Bridge is amazing. It is super tall. It is high and the train track is miles below it. It's near the clouds since you can see it like right next to you.


Tower Bridge

 The Tower Bridge is amazing. When you drive into that big hole it will feel like your inside a tower and the twin towers have a bridge connected to each tower.

                                                              Oliveira Bridge

The Oliveira Bridge has so much connectors and it has a big X. It will glow at night.