Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14/11 Draft #1

       Terraria is a fun game for building and fighting bosses. You can play with your friends on servers. You craft and smelt to get some stuff. TerrariViewer is a program where you can make your health into 400 and it gives you every item and its a cheat program for Terraria. 

       A guide is a person that will help you and it also helps you craft. Now this is the guide.


     Now this is a boss called Wall of Flesh and here is what it looks like.

     When you dig very deep deep down into underground you go to a place which is called H*** and it is filled with lava and you can find a block called H***Stone. 

     Terraria is kinda like Minecraft but Terraria is not 3D.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Draft #2

        I do not think that cold weather is good. One reason is it makes me sick. Another reason is my nose and my face get too cold. Finally, I don't like cold weather because I'm not used to it.
     I got sick from running when it was freezing outside. I had to stay in bed for probably almost a week and I had to miss 4 days of school and I also had to stay in bed all day. I sneezed and I kept coughing.

     When my face and nose get cold I won't feel as great. My face and nose also turn red when my face and my nose get cold.

     I'm not used to cold because I like hot better.


     I'm writing about if I like cold weather or dislike cold weather. Cold weather is the opposite of hot. I don't like cold cause it makes me sick sometimes.
     When I run when its cold outside my nose feels weird and my face gets cold. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm more used being hot than being cold.
     In Florida, It's not as cold since it doesn't snow and I live in Florida. I know snow is fun to play with but I don't like that its cold. When its about like 48 degrees its pretty cold for me. 
     When its winter I don't like it cold. When its summer I kinda want it to be cold.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Draft #2

Thanksgiving is coming up which I’m excited about. One reason is that I’m going to spend some time with my family. I also get no school and then I could relax and sleep late.
   I can’t wait until I get to spend some time with my family. When I spend time with my family on thanksgiving I might go eat out to some restaurants or stay at home and eat some stuff. I also might go do some fun stuff like shopping or other things that I might want to do with my family. I’ve done lots of fun stuff on thanksgiving but I don’t need to just do fun stuff everyday when schools out for thanksgiving. The more of no school the more time I could spend time with my family.
    I also get to relax on thanksgiving break. I like to sleep late since there’s no school because when I wake up to school I’m kinda tired. I’m also going to play my PC and PS3 when I have time but I’m not just going to play my PC and PS3 all day. I will play minecraft on my PC with my friends from school. I will watch TV some. I might go and play outside when its a great sunny day. I can relax when there is no school.

Draft #1

Thanksgiving is coming up which I’m excited about. Now 1 reason I’m excited about thanksgiving is that I’m staying at Florida where I live. Also, I’m going to spend some time with my family. I also get no school and then I could relax and sleep late.
   I can’t wait until I get to spend some time with my family. When I spend time with my family on thanksgiving I might go eat out to some restaurants or stay at home and eat some stuff. I also might go do some fun stuff like shopping or other things that I might want to do with my family. I’ve done lots of fun stuff on thanksgiving but I don’t need to just do fun stuff everyday when schools out for thanksgiving. The more of no school the more time I could spend time with my family.
    I also can’t to relax on thanksgiving break. I like to sleep late since there’s no school because when I wake up to school I’m kinda tired. I’m also going to play my PC and PS3 when I have time but I’m not just going to play my PC and PS3 all day. I will play minecraft on my PC with my friends from school. I will watch TV some. I might go and play outside when its a great sunny day. The more of no school I can relax.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Draft #2

     I'm very thankful for having parents. Parents protect me from being hurt, being kidnapped, and from doing bad stuff. My Parents teach me stuff to not do like being bad and how to be good. If I didn't have parents I'd be sad. Also my parents gave me birth so I'm thankful for having parents. My parents take care of me very good and they also give me some very good things I need or want. My parents take me to school or where ever I need to go or want to go. They only give me rewards if I'm good and then my parents teach me well. My parents help me a lot. They are very kind to me.

     I'm also thankful for the PS3 my parents got me at the store. PS3 is fun for online gaming and just regular gaming. PS3 has very fun stuff to do on it like look at pictures,go on the web, and earning trophies for gaming.

     I'm also thankful for the computer that my parents got me at the store. I like to play on my computer because there is fun games on there and then online gaming on my computer also. My computer is good for school and its a good tool to find information. On my computer I can download good programs, look at pictures, look at videos, go on the web, and get mods on my games.

     That's why I'm very thankful for parents,PS3, and computers.

Draft #1

I'm very thankful for having parents. Parents protect me from being hurt, being kidnapped, and from doing bad stuff. My Parents teach me stuff to not do like being bad and how to be good. If I didn't have parents I'd be sad.

     My parents gave me birth so I'm thankful for having parents. My parents take care of me very good and they also give me some very good things I need or want. My parents take me to school or where ever I need to go or want to go. They only give me rewards if I'm good and then my parents teach me well.

     My parents help me a lot. They are very kind to me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Endangered animals

     We need to help endangered animals. I'm going to write why we need to help endangered animals. Endangered animals are almost extinct but those animals are still living. If you want to help endangered animals please read this writing.
     Now I'm going to write about why we need to help the endangered animals. Endangered animals are almost extinct so since those animals are almost extinct you have to be careful if you are near some kind of endangered animal. Most people want endangered animals or species living because they need them to help because they are almost extinct.
         Make sure you go everywhere helping them. I know endangered animals need some help but if your busy think about what your doing and the stuff your doing that makes you not busy you need to use your time to help the endangered animals.

     I hope you help the endangered animals and take care of them and you will need to be very careful what you do to them.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

           Survival class
                         Setting North pole  
Bob as lead survival expert
Bill as survival partner
Santa as Santa
Proba as Crazy Civilian Boy
Ophl as Crazy Civilian Girlfriend
Chewy as Chewbaca
Bubba as Bubba
The rest are civilians

Bob - Hi we are out in the north pole it’s been nearly 3 minutes I and the others are starving.

Proba - Give me food now!

Ophl - Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so hungry Wha Wha Wha.

Santa - Ho ho ho.

Proba - Santa give me food now!

Santa - Just eat the snow every thing at the north pole is candy.

Bob - So this is all candy oh my gosh why didn’t we think of that.
Ophl - So this is all candy AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Santa - Yes didn’t you hear me? yal should come in side it looks like your ears are falling off.

Bob - No I am getting payed to do this.

Bill - Bome on CNN will never know.

Bob - Ok!

                  {Everybody sleeps at Santa’s}

Bob - Ahhhhhhhhhhh everybody get up Santa took our stuff.

Bill - Lets go and not waste our time looking
                {they step outside}

Bob - Look that is the CNN helicopter.

Bill - Dang they caught us.

Bob - Run they are after us.

{They run for miles until Santa gets they and heads for space.}

Bob - Hey lets stop we need gas.

Others - Ok.

                     (Bob goes in the space station.)

Bob - Chewy its you.

Chewy - Rawwwwwwwwwww

Bob - Will you come help us take down CNN

Chewy Rawwywwwewwwswww
(Chewy gets to excited and accidentally kills a civilian named Bubba)

Santa - Lets go!

        (They go back to the north pole to battle CNN)

Its a battle in the sky it was a giant battle then they throw Chewy at the CNN helicopter. He mawls they piliot. the Helicopter goes down but Chewy lived. Santa takes everybody home expect Chewy because Bob wanted Chewy to keep him company.

               The End.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big Writing 10/5/11

Dear Mrs.Amy,

       Hello my name is Harrison and I am 10 years old. I am a student at Technology Engineering Science Leadership Academy (TESLA) located at Santa Rosa Beach,FL.      We are working on a project with the essential question, "What is the ultimate living thing?"

      I chose bats (Corynorhinus townsendii)

     As part of the way we do projects at TESLA we have to find a real expert to look at our work. I was wondering if you would please take a few minutes to look over my project and provide me with feedback both on how it might be improved and things I have done well. Here is a link to my project:

Thank you,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Draft #2

Dear Liutenanet Commander Brasfield, 9/28/11

Thank you for teaching us about diving school and navy school. I enjoyed a lot coming to the field trip to learn about this. I was suprised that you had a 40 ft deep pool. It is so much fun there and intersting to go there. I learned about the big balls that it doesn't run like as quick as a snap it takes a couple days to be running. Also thank you for giving me some stuff.

From Harrison

Draft #1

Dear Samuel Brasfield,

Thank you for teaching us about diving school and navy school. I enjoyed a lot coming to the field trip to learn about this. I was suprised that you had a 40 ft deep pool. It is so much fun there and intersting to go there.

From Harrison

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Draft #2 9/21/11

     I think the ultimate living thing is the human because there is a human that is a 115 years old. 115 years old is a long time that makes me think that Humans are the ultimate living thing. Humans can be strong and powerful.

     (Paragraph 2): All Humans are the same no comparing but they all don't look the same and there are humans that are good at sports and fighting. Not all humans will live until a 115 or older. You are a human. Everyone you know is a human.

     (Paragraph 3): Humans only live long if you treat yourself healthy like drinking water and eating the right food for your body. Don't eat too much junk or you won't be that healthy. Don't be tired of living because living is fun. Humans are not weak or powerful most of them are strong and powerful. Don't just try to force your brain to make you strong.

     (Paragraph 4): Make sure that you get exercise and that's how will make you live longer and it will also make you healthy. Just don't just be a couch potato that will make you unhealthy.

Draft #1

I think the ultimate living thing is the Human cause there is a human that is a 115 years old. 115 years old is a long time that makes me think that Humans and the ultimate living thing. Humans can be strong and powerful.

     (Paragraph 2): All Humans are the same no comparing but they all don't look the same and there is Humans that are good at sports and fighting. Not all humans will live until a 115 or older. You are a human. Everyone you know is a human.

     (Paragraph 3): Humans only live long if you treat yourself healthy like drinking water and eating the right food for your body. Don't eat too much junk or you won't be that healthy. Don't be tired of living there's all the fun out there. Humans are not weak or powerful most of them are strong and powerful. Don't just try to force your brain to make you strong.

     (Paragraph 4): Make sure you get exercise that will make you live longer and it will also make you healthy. Just don't just be a couch potato that will make you unhealthy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Draft #2

                                                The Teleporter

      The Teleporter is the thing that can get you places quicker. They get you there as quick as a snap from a finger. There is a GPS installed inside of the time machine and it can also travel time for you. One day there was a time that I woke up late and instead of driving you use the teleporter. The teleporter is the fastest thing that can get you to the place quicker and as fast as it can and it will never slow down.
     So guess what everyone you can just buy a teleporter that is a $999.99 value and just for $499.99 and it includes a flying tool for a $1.00.

      Teleporter can't just only like travel through the earth, it can travel the whole universe. It can also use a black hole for some magic. It's everywhere if you want to move it you will need 4-6 people to carry it cause it is about 100 pounds.

     It also works for shipping things quicker but they have to have a teleporter too cause if not you have to ship the slower way which is a airplane. They would love the teleporter cause of the quicker way to work so they won't be late and they won't ever be fired because of being late. Well here's a picture of what the teleporter can be like.

Draft #1

                                                      The Teleporter
Paragraph One-

(MI) The Teleporter is the thing that can get you places quicker. They get you there as quick as a snap from a finger (P). There is a GPS installed inside of the time machine and it can also travel time for you (P). One day there was a time that I woke up late and instead of driving you use the teleporter. The teleporter is unbreakable and you will never have to get a new one.

     Second Paragraph: So guess what everyone you can just buy a teleporter that is a $999.99 value and just for $499.99 and it includes a flying tool for a $1.00.

Third Paragraph: Teleporter can't just only like travel through the earth, it can travel the whole universe. It can also use a black hole for some magic. It's everywhere if you want to move it you will need 4-6 people to carry it cause it is about 100 pounds.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Big Writing - draft one

The most interesting place ever is Universal Studios. One is reason I like it is because they have cool motion rides and rollercoasters . 2ND Reason is because they have great breakfast and food. 3RD Reason is because they have awesome amusement parks like Universal Studios and Islands of adventures. One time It was spring break on 2010 and Mom and My Dad said we are going to universal studios for spring break. Then I went to universal studios and then we got a hotel room and then we went to the hotel room and unpacked our stuff and then we went to the pool area with a waterslide and we swimmed for a little bit then we went to sleep. Second Paragraph: Ok it was the next Day at Universal studios and then we woke up and then we ate some breakfast and then we went on the boat to get to the amusement parks and then we finally Me and My family and my sister went to the amusement parks and Me and My sister went on our first rollercoaster we ever rode on when My family and me were at my first rollercoaster and my dad went on with us and then after that woody woodpecker ride me and my dad went on the simpsons ride and my dad kept  his eyes closed most of the time and I was screaming cause I was having so much fun on the simpsons ride. 3rd Day/Third Paragraph: Then it was our third day there and then we went to islands of adventures and we went on the cat in the hat ride and it was spinning while it was telling the story and my dad and my sister went on it and then me and my sister and my dad were laughing cause we were having so much fun. Mom didn't ride that much coasters expect for that one trolley train one at the islands of adventures Dr.seuss park. Last Day/Fourth Paragraph:I went for a hour at Universal Studios Theme park and then We went for a another hour at the islands of adventures then I rode on a rollercoaster which is my favorite there and it is dueling dragons and it wasn't scary at all and then I played arcades and then we slept and then woke up then we had to leave cause our spring break was over.